Senate Bill No. 1130 (Scott) – approved by the Governor on July 27, 2004

Amends sections 20209.12, 20209.13, and 20209.14 of the Public Contract Code to extend by two years the “sunset date” on legislation authorizing design-build authority for transit districts. The provisions of this bill apply only to “transit projects” which do not include state highway construction or local street and road projects.

Senate Bill No. 1210 (Torlakson) – approved by the Governor on September 27, 2004

Amends section 217, and adds and repeals sections 217.1, 217.8 and 217.9, of the Streets and Highways Code by extending a Caltrans pilot project to demonstrate the design-sequencing method of contracting. Amendments inserted into the bill require Caltrans to develop consistent criteria for selection.

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