Michael Kiely, a partner in the Real Estate and Land Use and Natural Resources Practice in the firm’s Los Angeles office, participated in an interview via podcast about the Redevelopment Agency dissolution and reinstatement bills as well as the Supreme Court’s recent hearing of the arguments in the case. The discussion focused primarily on Michael Kiely’s descriptions of the potential outcomes of the legislation as well as the various positions of different stakeholders which he has also blogged about on the Sheppard Mullin Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Law Blog (click here to access the various blog postings.)
Please click here to listen to the full interview podcast posted by Eden Housing. Eden Housing produces a regular podcast on issues of interest to the affordable housing industry.
To learn more about our expansive capabilities within Sheppard Mullin’s Real Estate, Land Use, Natural Resources and Environmental Law Practice, please click here. Feel free to contact Michael Kiely directly if you have questions about the ramifications of the recent Redevelopment legislation, or if we can assist you or your company with your legal needs.