Sheppard Mullin has extensive expertise and hands-on experience in all areas of military closure, cleanup and reuse, including:
- Understanding and applying federal base closure law
- Navigating through and negotiating with the multiple levels of federal and state government and within the Department of Defense (DoD)
- Working with local community groups
- Working with elected representatives, such as the Office of the Governor, U.S. Senators and members of Congress or state senators and assembly persons to ascertain and elicit support for a given project
- Assisting with the development and clear articulation of reuse plans
- Evaluating and facilitating federal and state grant options
- Analyzing feasibility of environmental cleanup and reuse alternatives under federal and state laws
- Obtaining clearances under NEPA, CEQA and other state environmental disclosure laws, including EISs, EIRs, Findings of No Significant Impact and Negative Declarations
- Obtaining project entitlements from local, state and federal jurisdictions
- Marshalling sources of public finance to deal with the myriad of infrastructure issues inevitably confronted in these projects
- Negotiation and documentation of DoD Conveyance Agreements and Local Reuse